
A jar of cranberry curd
Condiments, Desserts

Cranberry Curd

Cranberry Curd – a rich dessert spread for the holidays! Cranberry curd is tart yet sweet and is delicious when spread on scones or toast, drizzled over pancakes or waffles, baked in a tart, stirred into yogurt and so much more! It also makes a wonderful hostess gift for the […]

A jar of home red enchilada sauce with a bunch of cilantro to the left of it.
Condiments, Main Course

Homemade Red Enchilada Sauce

Homemade Red Enchilada Sauce – Authentic Mexican flavour is easy to whip up at home! Ditch the canned stuff for this easy, delicious and flavourful sauce – you’ll never want to go back to store bought again! Made with a few pantry staples and done in twenty minutes. Mexican food has been one […]